Allow Public Access

Currently we can only access our frontend using the proxy provided by Kubernetes and Google Cloud Shell. This means our potential users wouldn’t be able to access the calculator app.

We will now expose the frontend to the public internet.

Change the configuration

  1. Edit the frontend.yml and set the service to LoadBalancer. You need to have a look into the API documentation of Kubernetes.
  2. Apply the configuration: kubectl apply -f k8s-files/.
  3. Watch for the service to update: kubectl get svc -w
  4. The service changed the type to LoadBalancer and external-ip changed into the state <pending>, we will now wait until an IP is assigned.
  5. The output should finally be like the following:
    NAME                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
    calculator-backend    ClusterIP   <none>          80/TCP         1h
    calculator-frontend   LoadBalancer    <pending>       80:31311/TCP   3s
    calculator-frontend   LoadBalancer   80:31311/TCP   1m
    Enter the external IP of your service, this will customize the tutorial:
  6. You can now access your frontend using http://$GCLOUD_PUBLIC_IP/.

The following chapter will give you more details about the network architecture in the background.