Analyze the Crash

We executed an invalid expression and the server does no longer respond. It is time to check what happened.

Check the pod status

Use kubectl get pods to check the status of the pod:

NAME                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
calculator-backend   0/1       Error     0          12m

The pod is no longer running, the state is Error.

Check the pod details

Get more details by calling kubectl describe pod calculator-backend:

Name:             calculator-backend
Status:           Failed
    State:        Terminated
    Reason:       Error
    Exit Code:    1
    Started:      Wed, 01 May 2019 19:03:12 +0200
    Finished:     Wed, 01 May 2019 19:03:47 +0200
    Ready:        False
Type              Status
Initialized       True
Ready             False
ContainersReady   False
PodScheduled      True

We can see that the pod state is Terminated and that the reason for termination is Error with an exit code 1.

Check the logs

Use the kubectl logs calculator-backend to get more details about the crash:

yarn run v1.15.2
$ node ./dist/index.js
Started calculator service on port 8080.
Caught an unhandled promise rejection "undefined". Will exit process... Error: Undefined symbol Hello
    at undef (/app/node_modules/mathjs/lib/expression/node/SymbolNode.js:104:11)
    at /app/node_modules/mathjs/lib/expression/node/SymbolNode.js:74:100
    at ...
error Command failed with exit code 1.

The log shows that the application will exit on any invalid input.

As we are not able to change the source code we need to prevent major downtimes when the backend service crashes.