Start the Deployment

Now that we have a working backend, we will add a frontend that provides a better user experience for our calculator app.

Create the configuration

We need a deployment and a service to deploy the frontend. This is pretty similar to the backend configuration. Start by copying the backend.yml to frontend.yml.

Change the deployment

  1. The deployment name, selector and label should be calculator-frontend.
  2. The image name for the frontend is
  3. The frontend container does listen on port 3000.
    Tip: Search for the port 8080 to find all places where the port is referenced.
  4. The frontend uses an environment variable CALCULATOR_BACKEND_BASE_URL which is used to configure the base url of the backend. Set this to the url of the backend service http://calculator-backend.
    Use kubernetes-workshop/k8s-examples/deployment-with-env-vars.yml as an example on how to configure environment variables.

Change the service

  1. Change the service name and selector to calculator-frontend.
  2. Use the right targetPort for the frontend.

Deploy the configuration

Now we are ready to deploy everything.

  1. Run (like before) kubectl apply -f k8s-files/.
  2. Check the pods status kubectl get pods:
NAME                                   READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
calculator-backend-799f978d88-47v6b    1/1       Running             0          30m
calculator-backend-799f978d88-ncdch    1/1       Running             0          30m
calculator-backend-799f978d88-qz4k4    1/1       Running             0          30m
calculator-frontend-6b5d85558c-5smzr   1/1       Running             0           1m
calculator-frontend-6b5d85558c-hc78z   0/1       Running             0           1m
calculator-frontend-6b5d85558c-lfckh   0/1       ContainerCreating   0           1m
  1. Wait until all three pods are Ready: 1/1 (check the status periodically).
  2. Use the link to access the frontend:
  3. Try out the UI, execute valid and invalid expressions and look at the response.
  4. Check with kubectl get pods and validate that everything works as you would expect.