Access your Cluster

During the tutorial we are going to access the cluster via HTTP.

The Cloud Shell provides a proxy that allows us access to the resources in your Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Execute the command kubectl proxy --port 8080. This will open a HTTP proxy to your cluster:
    Starting to serve on
  2. Access your cluster using the preview functionality of Cloud Shell: Screenshot of Cloud Shell preview
  3. This will open a new tab with an URL.
  4. Paste the URL without the path into the following field, it will customize the tutorial:
  5. Test this link to verify the proxy is set up correctly. You should see a JSON response:
      "major": "1",
      "minor": "11+",
      "gitVersion": "v1.11.8-gke.6",
      "gitCommit": "394ee507d00f15a63cef577a14026096c310698e",
      "gitTreeState": "clean",
      "buildDate": "2019-03-30T19:31:43Z",
      "goVersion": "go1.10.8b4",
      "compiler": "gc",
      "platform": "linux/amd64"